The Importance of learning English Language
There are many reasons to make learning English a good idea. It allows you to communicate with new people and see things from a different perspective, or get a better understanding of another culture. As studies have shown that people who speak more languages have more active minds later in life!
This is especially true if you are an international student aspiring to study abroad as the role of the English language will play a key part when you start your studies and progress in your career after graduation.
There are many reasons to invest in an spoken english online and most courses will teach you the essential areas of English such as reading, writing, speaking and listening, as well as building your confidence to use English in your daily life or at work.
So, now you know that it’s a good idea to learn a new language, why is it important to learn English?
1. English is the Language of International Communication
English is the official language in 53 countries and around 400 million people are online spoken english classes across the globe. Being able to speak English is not just about being able to communicate with native English speakers because it is the most common second language in the world.
If you want to speak to any person from another country then the chances are that you will both be speaking English to do this because English can be found as a common language in every country.
- English is most Widely Spoken Language in the World
While Chinese Mandarin and Spanish are the mother tongues of most people overall, most people in the world choose to learn English after their native language. One in 5 people on the planet speak or understand at least a little bit of English.
This makes English one of the most useful languages in the world. In fact, you can’t learn all 6,500 languages in the world, but at least you will be able to communicate with people from all different countries using the english as a second language tutor.
- English is the language of the Internet
English is also an important language online with the highest percentage of content available on the internet is written in English. As well as, some of the world’s largest tech companies are based in English speaking countries.
Approximately 565 million people use the internet every day, and approx 52 percent of the world’s most visited websites are displayed in the English language.
Learning English gives you access to over half of the content on the internet.
- Learning English makes Travelling more easier
Even if you are in a country where English is not the official language, chances are that English will still be used as a medium for communication!
Learning English makes travel much easier anywhere you want. For example, flight announcements, train schedules, emergency information and street signs are often translated into English. Plus, even if you don’t find other travellers or local people that speak your mother tongue, you are practically guaranteed to find someone who understands a little bit of English.
- English helps to study all over the world
Since English is spoken in so many countries there are lots of schools and universities around the world that offer programmes in English language. If you have a good level of English knowledge, there are a lot of opportunities for you to find an appropriate course or university to suit your needs.
And many of the world’s top ranked universities are situated in English-speaking countries such as the United Kingdom, United States and Australia. To be a part of one of these prestigious universities it is paramount to be able to read, write, speak and listen in English.
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